시각 미술가 박정인의 세번째 개인전 입니다. 이번 개인전에서는 신체의 내외부에 자리한 집(Home and House)의 개념과 개인적인 노스텔지어에서 비롯된 장소 또는 거리(street)의 벽면이 지닌 질감에 대한 인상을 담은 신작 회화, 황토가루를 안료로 활용한 실크스크린 판화에디션, 인공지능프로그램과 협업하여 작성한 시(Poem)의 활자를 직접 조판하고, 잉크 없이 프레스한 페이지를 제책 작업으로 엮은 북웍스(Bookworks)를 선보입니다.
“직조된 캔버스가 아닌 단단한 판넬에 다양한 질감으로 표현한 이번 ‘벽화 연작’의 회화 작업에서 내가 회화에 담고자 했던 벽면은, 그림의 기원이 되는 옛 선조들의 동굴벽화 발자취에 대한 상상부터 내가 서 있는 이 시각 세계에서 매만져지는 벽면 모두를 관통한다.”
The third solo exhibition of visual artist Park Jung In. In this solo exhibition, there are new paintings featuring the concept of houses and houses located inside and outside the body, impressions of the wall texture of places or streets derived from personal nostalgia, and unique serigraphy using ocher powder as pigments. In addition, through collaboration with artificial intelligence programs, present Bookworks, which directly type metal types of poems, analog print them with blind embosses without ink, and bind them into books.
“In this ‘Mural Series’ of painting, which is expressed on a solid panel, not a stretched canvas, the wall surface I wanted to include in the painting was from the imagination of the footprints of the cave paintings of our ancient ancestors, which are the origin of the painting, to the area where I was standing. It penetrates all walls touched in the visual world.”
홈 앤드 하우스 텍스쳐
Home and House Texture
Park Jungin
Solo exhibition
2023.11.2 (thu) ~ 2023.11.16 (thu)
at Factory2
15 Jahamunro 10gil, Jongnogu, Seoul
Poster Design _ Park Jungin
Photo Recording _ photolabor
Serigraphy Collaboration
with SAA (Jung Sunghun, Lee Sanha)
Supported by
Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture
Seoul Metropolitan Government
© 2023 Jungin Park.
Limited Serigraphy Artworks info
Original Print Edition of 10
5 color screen print on paper
619 × 596mm
Hahnemühle white 300g
deckle edges Signed
numbered and dated
Park Jungin
More Info & Store Link :

《Ochre gris》( Bookworks ), 2023, typesetting & letterpress printing, blind embossing, printing without ink, hand binding, 97 x 143 x 70cm, Edition of 13
( More Info link )

Untitled ( Ochrehouse, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 65 x 81cm

Untitled ( Darkroom, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 130.5 x 162 cm

Untitled ( Graphite color, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 59.5 x 84 cm

Fish ( Pink-Gray, Blue, Green, Gray Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 65 x 81cm (each)

Untitled ( Copper and Blue, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 49 x 61cm

Untitled ( Mist Cloud, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 130.5 x 162cm

Untitled ( String drawing, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 17 x 28 cm ( each )

Untitled ( Handprint, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 21 x 30 cm

Untitled ( Cat Tail print, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 21 x 30 cm

Untitled ( Ochre light in a darkroom, Wall painting series ), 2023, Mixed media on panel, 130.5 x 162cm

Home and House Texture, 2023, Ochre pigment with 5 color screen print on paper, 54.5 x 72.3 cm (Framed)